Nasi Goreng Teri Medan

2009 December 16
by linda

This is another variation of my fried rice, Nasi Goreng Teri Medan. My first fried rice post is Pineapple Fried Rice (October post). Literally, Nasi means rice, Goreng means fried, Teri means small fish, Medan is an Indonesian’s province in Sumatran island. The difference of this fried rice compare to the usual Indonesia Fried Rice is that this fried rice doesn’t use a sweet soy sauce, also known as Kecap Manis, and it uses teri as its main feature.

I believe that some of you might think that this particular fried rice is too much hassle, because the fish need to be washed, patted dry, and then fried. Not only that, if you live in a small apartment, the fried smell will last for at least two days. Ehmm what was I thinking posted this recipe? Encouraging people not to cook this particular fried rice. To be honest, I actually got the fried teri from my friend, because we got a lot of left over from our charity market. I felt sorry to the fish and then decided to turn them into fried rice dishes. However, I still need to do the frying all over again because they weren’t cooked and crunchy enough.

My tips before you start:

  • It is best to have an overnight rice for fried rice (mine wasn’t).
  • Always use a generous amount of oil to stir fry the rice so that your rice stays dry and the grain doesn’t stick to each other.
  • Although the fish has been washed before they are deep fried, they are still salty. Be careful on the amount of salt used. The taste of the rice should be mild in terms of saltiness, so that when they are combined with the fish, they are kind of balancing each other.

Nasi Goreng Teri Medan


  • 2 cups of uncooked rice, cooked (for a better result, store it overnight in the fridge)
  • 1 cups fried small fish (you could find a dry small fish pack in Asian groceries store) *see note
  • 1 large carrots, slice thinly or cubes
  • 250 gr of fish cakes or balls, dice thinly
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cloves of shallots, sliced thinly
  • 1 or 2 small chillies, sliced
  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce (I used Cap Dua Angsa Brand)
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  • generous amount of oil for stir frying
  • spring onions to serve
  • slices of cucumber to serve


  1. Heat a generous amount of oil in the wok.
  2. Add garlic and shallots to the wok. Stir for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant.
  3. Add chillies and carrots, stir for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Make a well in the center, add eggs and 1 tsp of salt. Stir it to mix. Leave it for 1 minute, then start to stir again.
  5. Add fish cakes, and stir to combine.
  6. Add rice and light soy sauce. Stir quickly so that the rice is well coated with the soy sauce.
  7. Taste the rice. Add the salt if needed now. add white pepper, and keep stirring them for about 5-8 minutes, depending on how dry you want your fried rice to be.
  8. Add fried small fish, and stir to combine. Serve immediately with spring onions and cucumbers. (If you do not want to serve them immediately, do not mix the fried salty fish straight away to keep them crunchy)


  • Dry fish comes in pack of 250 gr to 500 gr, available in Asian groceries stores. Before frying the fish, they should be washed (to wash away all the salt) and then dried (to avoid the oil splashing).

Preparation time (duration): 30

Culinary tradition: Indonesian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

4 Responses
  1. 2009 December 16
    silvia permalink

    uh..nyesel gw kasih semua terinya ke lu..kayaknya enak…ngiler nih…

    • 2009 December 17
      linda permalink

      iya tapi 2 kali kerja gua.. kan goreng lagi sampe kering, bauknya netap sampe 2 hari gila… loe sih gak mateng, coba mateng pasti cepet wkwkwkw.. sebenernya mau kirim ke elo besoknya (gua masak jam 9 mlm) karena gua masak nasi 4 tekong buat nasgor semua…tp gila bener dalam waktu 2 jam hampir raib, sisa 1 lunch box buat hendri dan 1 piring.. gila bgt penghuni rumah gua

  2. 2009 December 23
    Robert permalink

    ditambah lado dan acar makin mantap…
    semua yang disini lu buat sendiri lin? bila iya gw siap berguru bila ke jkt ya…

    • 2009 December 23
      linda permalink

      Iya bet, memang lamak bana heheheheh
      Iya aku buat sendiri semuanya.. ini dinner kita, jadi sebelum dimakan, jepret dulu wkwkwkkw