Fried Chicken with Garlic

2009 August 17
by linda

I got the recipe from my sister in law who got this recipe from her friend who got her recipe from her other friend. So I am not really sure who actually invent the recipe and it is kind of difficult to trace who this recipe belongs to. Anyway, the Fried Chicken really tastes great, crunchy and garlicky.

She told me the recipe over the phone, so I was not really sure about the batter consistency, but I made it anyway. The first time I made this, I completely turned them into other form of fried chicken. I added a little bit of water because when I tried to mix the batter with chicken cutlets, the batter seems too thick and it didn’t coat the chicken surface evenly. So, the Fried Chicken only stayed crunchy just for a little while. The second mistake I did was mincing the garlic instead of pureeing them. That was a big ‘NO-NO’, the garlic mince fell apart from the chicken and float on the oil. So, by the time I deep fried the second or third batches, there were lots of burned black overcooked garlic floating on the surface of the oil. Therefore I need to keep separating them from the oil, which were a lot of hard work.

My sister in law told me that the ratio between the plain flour and the rice flour is 1:2. However, as usual I like to experiment as I cook the dishes over and over again. I changed the ratio to 1:3 because the rice flour help to increase the crunchiness of the Fried Chicken. The batter will be really thick when you mix them together and they may seems like they don’t coat the chicken evenly, but they do. Just remember to keep coating them before you deep frying them into the oil. The batter will be slightly thinner eventually as your raw chicken will release its juice.

Fried Chicken with Garlic


  • 2 kg whole chicken, cut into 8-10 pieces each
  • 2 tbsp pureed garlic
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp of plain flour
  • 3 tbsp of rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp white pepper
  • 2 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 tbsp of sweet soy sauce/Kecap Manis
  • oil for deep frying


  1. Mix pureed garlic, eggs, plain flour, rice flour, white pepper, salt and Kecap Manis in a big bowl until all combined. Avoid lumps of flour.
  2. Add the chicken pieces to the mixture, and mix until all well coated.
  3. Heat oil in a deep frying pan.
  4. Deep fry the chicken until golden and crunchy.
  5. Serve with tomato sauce.

Preparation time (duration): 45

Culinary tradition: Indonesia

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

3 Responses
  1. 2010 October 13
    Lisa Putra permalink

    Linda, bgmn bikin pureed garlic?

    • 2010 October 13
      linda permalink

      Garlicnya diblender sampai halus bgt. Kalo agak susah blendernya jalan, tambahin air dikit biar gampang. Good luck.

      • 2010 October 14
        Lisa Putra permalink

        Dear Linda,
        Thks for your prompt reply. Will try it this weekend and let you know bgmn reaksi anak2….
        By the way, i am in China, Beijing…so really miss Indonesian food.