Sambal Goreng Hati

2009 October 28
by linda

Sambal (chilli paste) Goreng (fried) Hati (liver) is one of complimentary dish to accompany Nasi (rice) Kuning (yellow). I will have have Nasi Kuning and its all common complimentary dishes posted as soon as I have time to do them all at once, so I could have fun in decorating them with banana leaves.

To be honest, I am never a big fan of liver, heart, intestine and other weird organs which are turned into delicacy dishes. I can’t seem to enjoy their “unique” taste. On the contrary, my husband loves them to death that he could eat them almost everyday. So, this dish was cooked on his request.

Usually I use chicken liver instead of beef, because I never eat the beef version before and never cook with it. Few months ago, I tried to cook them to make a beef liver sweet soy version (usually I use pork liver), but instead boiling them in water, I fried them like I treat the chicken and pork liver. They turned as hard as rock. Then, I read on several websites that you have to boil to tenderize them, so I am willing to give it another go. Since the beef liver is cheap and affordable (and FYI, they are considered as pet’s food), I have no hesitations in trying them again.

Sambal Goreng Hati


  • 500 gr beef liver
  • 500 gr potatoes, cut in cubes, deep fried
  • 3 cloves of garlic, pureed
  • 6 cloves of shallots, pureed
  • 10 big red chillies, pureed
  • 6 small red chillies, pureed
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 1 lemon grass, smashed
  • 400 ml of coconut milk
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • oil to stir frying


  1. In a pot, using just enough water to cover, boil beef liver with 3 bay leaves and 1 tsp of salt for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cut the beef liver in cubes. Do not worry if the liver is not cooked really well done or the blood came out when it is cut.
  3. Heat generous amount of oil in the wok. Stir fry garlic and shallot until fragrant.
  4. Turn the heat into low to medium, then add chillies, remaining of bay leaves, and lemon grass. Cook it for 5 minutes and until you could see the bubbles on top of the chillies starts to decrease.
  5. Add the beef liver and stir until well combined.
  6. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  7. Add coconut milk and let it simmer for about 5-10 minutes or until the sauce is thickened.
  8. Add the fried potatoes and stir until combined.
  9. Serve as a complimentary dish with Nasi Kuning (coming soon).

Preparation time (duration): 90

Culinary tradition: Indonesian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

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