Chocolate Mud Cake
I made this cake last year for my husband birthday, so my memory is kinda blur on how the baking process was going. Sorry I couldn’t share little important details to help you baking this cake. However, as far as I remember this cake was really easy to bake and there is a very little chance that you fail in baking this cake.
The only thing that I could remember is how to make a dressed up strawberry. Here’s how:
- Wash the strawberries and patted dry with paper towel.
- Melt the white chocolate and dark chocolate separately. Fill saucepan with water and let it simmers. Using a bowl that could fit snuggly in a saucepan (make sure that the water doesn’t reach the bowl), stir in chocolate buttons or chopped chocolate chunks. Stir it using metal spoon. Avoid wooden or plastic spoons – these retain moisture that makes chocolate seize (harden).
- Dip the strawberries into white chocolate and set aside to cool. Sometimes it is hard to cool and dry the white chocolate. You could place them in the freezer for 1-2 minutes until they hardened.
- Then dip strawberries sideways diagonally on both sides until you achieved like so in the pictures.
- Using a toothpick, draw a bow and buttons on them.
Because of the copyright infringement thing, I am afraid I could not post the recipe in my blog, however you could get the recipe from here. There are lots of tips and feed backs that could help you. Good Luck !
Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!
Wow, what a beautifully decorated and very impressive birthday cake. Your husband is so lucky! Your attention to detail is so great.. Love the tuxedo strawberries!
Thank you Christine. This is a very easy recipe. The decoration just looked grand but really easy to make. You can do it too ๐
looks tasty and creamy i tried to make but the cream doesn’t froze