Cah Kangkung Tauco

2010 March 23
by linda

Water spinach dish is considered a very cheap and affordable vegetables to eat in Southeast Asia. They are cheap because they are easy to grow and need almost no care at all to plant. They have a rapid growth without any fertilizing at all. This dish not only popular in Indonesia, but also in Chinese, Malaysia, Thailand and some other Southeast Asian countries.

There are many version on how people cook dish dish. Some people add belacan or also known as shrimp paste, or oyster sauce. It is all depend on what you have in the pantry really, but I like the version with fermented salty soy beans and belacan, but since I had no stock of belacan, I just skip it.

Cah Kangkung Tauco


  • 1 bunch of water spinach, do not cut, just tear them into about 5 cm in length by hand. Rinse them in water.
  • 2 cloves of garlic, slice thinly
  • 2 small red chillies, or according to your preferences
  • 1 tbsp of fermented salty soy beans (I used Cap Dua Angsa brand)
  • oil for stir frying


  1. Heat a generous amount of oil in the wok.
  2. Add garlic to the wok. Stir for 1-2 minutes or until fragrant.
  3. Add chillies and stir again for 1 minutes.
  4. Add fermented salty soy beans to the wok. Press them slightly and stir it quick.
  5. Add water spinach. Stir and toss them so they are cook evenly.
  6. Taste, if not salty enough add some salt.


  • Fermented salty soy beans is really salty. Do not add them too much.
  • Water spinach release water when they are cooked, so no need to add water.

Preparation time (duration): 15

Culinary tradition: Indonesian, Chinese, Malaysian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

2 Responses
  1. 2010 June 26

    im very interested with this food…

    but im still not find the good salty soy beans in bali…

    the soy beans is very sour….

    • 2010 June 27
      linda permalink

      I think if you could find a bottled soy beans Cap Dua Angsa Brand, that would be perfect for this dish. I think they are available in Bali in Chinese groceries store (I hope so … as I never been to Bali before). Anyway, good luck in finding them. You could ask the store by saying Tauco botol cap Dua Angsa. Good Luck ๐Ÿ˜‰