Fried Prawns with Curly Wonton Skin

2010 May 22

There is this new seafood store just opened in Broadway Shopping Centre. I have been checking out their seafood prices for couple of times while passing by to get to Coles. Their prices seem to be reasonable and somewhat cheaper than fish market and seafood department in Coles. I then decided to buy unpeeled prawns, which I figured would be cheaper than the peeled one. However, they turned out to be the same price at the end, counting all the waste shells and heads threw in the garbage.

Well this was a very cute type of fried shrimp in wonton skins. If you would like the recipe, please click here. Just keep in mind that the wonton skins browns very quick so you need to set the heat into low medium, as I burned my first batch. To make it easy for you to roll the batter into the wonton skins, use to spoon to form a ball and place it straight away into the shredded wonton skins and roll.

Fried Prawns with Curly Wonton Skin

Preparation time (duration): 45

Culinary tradition: Chinese

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!

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