Steam Rainbow Cake
Since I made quite a lot of Lapis Legit lately because of the orders from store and customers, I have a huge unimaginable amount of egg whites stocked up in my fridge. I already threw some of them away because my fridge couldn’t take it anymore. I really felt for the unused egg whites and couldn’t stand the thought of throwing them down the drain. I started to search for egg whites recipes. To my surprised, there are lots and lots of egg white recipes and I couldn’t wait to try them all ๐
This is one of my trial recipe. the recipe is definitely a keeper. The cake is super soft and has a beautiful texture. It is really different compares to the baked cakes. It is also beautiful in appearance. This steam cake is a sudden hit to my house members. When I asked my husband whether I should actually give some of the cake to my neighbor, he simply replied : “Hmmm… not this one, I think we could finish it very quickly”. He was right. We finished the cake in a day. My boy loves the pink one as it has a strong strawberry essence. My husband loves the green one. I love them all.
Recipe adapted from Passion (Ibu Tio Blog) : Bolu Kukus Pelangi, for details click here
- 500 ml egg whites
- 325 gr sugar (I used 300 gr)
- 1 tbsp cake emulsifier (I used 15 gr Ovalet Kupu Kupu brand)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 100 ml full cream milk
- 50 gr melted butter (I used reduced salt butter)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 250 gr plain flour
- 25 gr full cream milk powder
- strawberry essence + red colouring
- lemon essence
- mocha essence
- pandan essence
Instructions for the Bread
- Heat a steamer.
- Using a hand held mixer, mix egg whites, sugar, emulsifier, and salt until high peak.
- Sift plain flour, full cream milk powder, and baking powder. Add in to the egg whites mixture and mix until well combined.
- Mix full cream milk and melted butter. Add in to the egg whites mixture and mix until well combined.
- Divide the mixture into 4 parts. Each part is added with strawberry, lemon, mocha, and pandan essence. Mix until well combined.
- Put a baking paper on the baking tin and buttered the sides of the baking tin.
- Steam pandan mixture for about 7 minutes. Then followed with mocha on top for another 7 minutes. Followed with lemon and strawberry.
Culinary tradition: Indonesian
Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!
YAAAA!!!! jatah gw tuh HEEEN!! (gr mode on hehehe)
steamer itu beneran panci kukus yg ditaruh di atas kompor gas?
emang steamer sebenarnya apaan? Maksud loe kukusan seperti dandang gitu kan? Ya iyalah ditaruh diatas kompor terus gimana dong caranya? hahahahha