Chocolate Egg Whites Chiffon Cake

2010 July 14

This is another effort of mine trying to rescue the unwanted egg whites. I had my doubt when reading the recipe. What!!! adding the unwhipped egg whites straight to the flour mixture??? But I thought, what the hell, I had nothing to lose anyway. It is only egg whites.

My verdict on the cake is absolutely soft and spongy even without the cake emulsifier. Amazing really, how can it be that soft without the cake emulsifier. I still couldn’t explain the reason.

As the recipe suggested, do not buttered the baking tin. I wouldn’t be so sure about that. The side of the cake is not that difficult, but as for the bottom one, I rip part of my cake and left it on the pan. Next time I will definitely butter the pan very lightly especially the bottom of the tin.


Recipe adapted from Passion (Ibu Tio Blog) : Chiffon Chocolate White Egg, for details click here

  • 125 gr plain flour
  • 25 gr cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 25 gr corn flour
  • 75 gr oil (I used 75 gr melted reduced salt butter)
  • 75 ml full cream milk
  • 100 gr egg whites (to be mix to the mixture)
  • 400 gr egg whites (to be whipped)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 175 gr sugar (I used 150 gr)


  1. Heat the oven to 190 C.
  2. Sift plain flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and corn flour. Set aside.
  3. Add milk and melted butter to the mixture. Mix.
  4. Add 100 gr egg whites to the mixture. Mix well until combined.
  5. Using a hand held mixture or a stand mixer, whip the egg whites and salt until foamy. Then add sugar and whip until high peak.
  6. Mix the first mixture to the whip egg whites little by little and mix until well combined.
  7. Bake in a chiffon cake baking tin (do not buttered the pan, however I will buttered it very lightly next time just in case the cake sticks to the pan) until cook.
  8. Straight after the cake out of the oven, put the cake upside down until it cools down.
  9. Using an aid (like a dull knife, I used a satay stick), take the cake out of the tin.

Culinary tradition: Indonesian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!