I abandoned this page for a long time. I lost track how many years it has been since I post something here. I hope this could be a new beginning for me to start sharing again.
Not to make any excuses, but I have been overwhelmed with the growing of my business (for those of you who doesn’t have a clue of what I am talking about; I am doing an Indonesian authentic yellow rice catering called Tumpeng and traditional sweets and savouries. I also do cakes mostly children novelties. Now I am trying to steer my cake business toward wedding, as well as dessert table styling… I have a lot of dreams :)). Currently, I am trying to slow it down a bit as I cant keep up with the pace, with the new house (well not new anymore, we have been living here for one and half year now), with my oldest going to kindy and all of his sport activities, and of course with my baby being a toddler. All of these add up and I feel like I am always rushing against time.
Psssttt… Check out my Facebook page My Kitchen Produceย to see what I’ve been doing in last couple years ๐
This month especially, I am slowing all the orders down a bit because of the two weeks of school holiday. I wanted to spend the days with both of my boys. I and the kids cook and bake a lot lately. One of the thing we did was making this egg noodle, which I will share the recipe shortly ๐
I love this handmade egg noodle, the texture, the ‘al dente’-ness (not even a word), and ย it is home made, free of all chemical and preservative. Most importantly, the kids had a ball making them. BEWARE, MUSCLE GREASE NEEDED!
Things to remember before you making this noodle:
- Use high protein content plain flour to achieve the perfect noodle.
- When you gather all the dough, it will look slightly crumbly and not workable. Dont worry, just gather what you can from the dough and work it on the machine. If you are frustrated with the crumbliness, wet your hand a little bit and work the dough out. I wet my hands when it is only a quarter of the recipe left.
- Do not work with a big portion of the dough. I tried to take a punch size portion and flattened them on the bench. Then run them through the pasta machine until it looks fine and smooth. To achieve this smooth and silky stage, you need to roll and fold (on 0 setting around 10 times or more.. sounds a lot, but it is not that bad actually).
- While you are working on the dough, do not forget to cover the rest of the dough with the cling wrap or a clean napkin.
- Once you cut the dough into the noodle, place it on the plate or any dish, sprinkle with some plain flour and perk (I dont know the right word for this action) it. The main point is to avoid them sticking to each other.
- Place them in an airtight container and use within 3 days.
- I noticed they are slightly darken in colour, if it is use after 3 days, but they are still fine though.
- Another thing is that I did Bakmi Ayamย already in theย ย past post 4 years ago. This is another approach, with the homemade egg noodle version.